Active Headings
Last updated: First published:
Updating State after Transitions
Adding view transitions to an existing Astro project that uses some JavaScript usually consists of two parts:
- Add
<ClientRouter />
to the<head>
. - Trying to get the scripts working again.
Why is that? View transitions are a no-brainer for what Astro is famous for: statically generated pages without JavaScript. Do step 1 and you are all set. It just works.
How Full Page Loads and Soft Loads Differ
The scripts are there for a reason. Usually, they are used to attach event listeners to HTML elements in the window’s current document (DOM) so that they can react to user interactions and the pages become interactive. Or provide some reusable functionality like encoding. Or they add animations or visualizations to the site. Or dynamically change the content. Or validate forms. Or prefetch stuff. Or do tracking and analytics. Or other things.
Most of these use cases work the same with or without view transitions. But all scripts that depend on a full page load or do not expect the DOM to change dynamically need some help to work with view transitions.
Mechanics of Full Page Loads
Let’s first investigate what happens on an initial full page load.
Steps & Events During Initial Load
Loading a new page is accompanied by events that are triggered in different phases of the process. The steps are as follows:
- Parsing starts with an empty DOM as HTML streams in.
- Inline scripts are executed as they are parsed
- The DOM is completely parsed.
- Deferred scripts including external module scripts are executed.
- Document: DomContentLoaded fires.
- If they are still loading, wait for external resources like stylesheets, images, subframes, and not deferred
scripts - Window: load fires
Initial Load’s Effect on Script State
Scripts are a different story: Trying to simulate the exact effects of a full page load on global variables, and the state of scripts and the module loader is not possible.
On full page loads, the browser unloads all old scripts including their data. It also initializes a new, clean window object and resets the global lexical scope. When it reads the new document, it executes all scripts that are contained in this document or to which it refers. And the script often rely on being executed in a clean state.
The net effect is that the scripts are initialized on the new DOM and link to the current DOM elements.
Mechanics of Soft Loads
Astro’s soft load mechanism has some implications on the relations between script state and DOM elements that can not be automatically mitigated. The simple answer is that updating the old DOM to look like the new DOM works pretty well but scripts often need some extra code to fix up things after the navigation.
Steps & Events During Soft Load
In contrast to the initial full load, the soft load has less distinct steps related to script loading and execution:
- The HTML document is fetched and parsed completely to form the new DOM
- The new DOM is swapped in
fires- Scripts are executed
Of course you can modify the default behavior of loading and swapping using listeners to the astro:before-preparation
, astro:after-preparation
and astro:before-swap
Effects of a Soft Load on Script State
Typically, scripts set up some close relation between script state and the DOM:
- Between DOM elements and event listeners, i.e. script functions to be called back when something happens and
- Between long-lived script variables and DOM elements to be accessed and manipulated to achieve some dynamic effect.
To achieve interactivity, there is no getting around the event listeners. But long-lived variables pointing to DOM elements can be completely omitted. Of course, this can come at a higher price, as these collections are usually used to increase performance or make the code more comprehensive and maintainable.
The sketch to the left shows the normal relation between script state and DOM after a full page load: The arrows between script state and DOM are typically established by scripts that are executed when the page is loaded. Some variables may hold pointers to DOM elements. These might result, for example, from calling document.querySelector()
. And some DOM elements might have references to event listener functions that have been set by calls to addEventListener()
Now the soft load happens and the window’s DOM from page 1 is replaced by the DOM from page 2. This can be seen on the right-hand side. The new elements have no event listeners. If you click on them, nothing happens. And the DOM elements referenced from the variables are no longer part of the window’s DOM. If you animate them or change their styling, nobody will see this.
That is why we have to do something.
Why we can’t Emulate Full Page Loads
So we better would just un-load and re-load scripts during view transition navigation like the browser does on full page loads? No, that won’t work and here are some reasons why we can not do this in general:
- We can not unload and reload all scripts as this would also remove Astro’s client-side router and all its state in the middle of the navigation. Resuming processing and state on the next page may be doable, but won’t be efficient. And hey, we are talking about view transitions: the goal is a modern, snappy look when navigating a website, not something that takes forever to change pages.
- We can neither unload nor reload scripts if they have both attributes
(after Astro’s script processing that is). Those scripts are called external module scripts. All scripts declared in an.astro
file with no attributes on the<script>
tag or only a src attribute, are automatically converted to external module scripts by Astro.
The browser caches external module scripts and does not offer an API to interact with its own module loader. External module scripts are kept by the browser until the next full page load and can’t be updated or restarted after the initial load. - We can not reset the windows object and can not clean out the state of the global lexical context where values are stored that are declared by top level
Since we can’t simply discard the state and the current scripts and start building everything from scratch again, we need a different solution. We need a way to specifically execute the parts of the code that can build up the relationship to the new DOM and get rid of references that might keep the old DOM alive and thus prevent garbage collection.
Required Updates after a Soft Load
If you look at the lower part right-hand side of the images above, the two important questions are:
- How can references to DOM elements be updated so that they forget elements that are no longer contained in
and learn about new elements that are now contained inwindow.document
? - And more important: How do new DOM elements get their event listeners after a soft load?
References into the DOM
The simplest approach to cope with references into the DOM is to avoid them.
Try to refrain from long-lived references into the DOM. Short-lived references, like a local variable in a short-lived function execution, are not a problem at all. These references only exist for a very short period of time and do not outlast a soft load.
Long-lived references to the DOM are generally a bad idea, because the DOM might change dynamically without notice. So even without soft loads, you might end up with stale references and miss new elements over time. Instead of storing references into the DOM, you can always recalculate them. If necessary, individual DOM elements must be annotated with additional information in order to find them again. But references can always be replace by mutation and queries. As I already said above, this might be less efficient, but it is always correct with out stale or missing elements.
If you are convinced that you cannot do without such references, recalculate them after the soft load, e.g. with an event handler for the astro:after-swap
Event Listeners
For event listeners the story is quite similar. But there is no advice to avoid them. You simply can’t.
What is similar is that the set of elements that should have a particular event listener can change dynamically, as the DOM can also change independently of soft loads. Most scripts do not take such effects into account: a script that makes all headings clickable usually scans the DOM as soon as it is loaded and may not notice if a new heading is dynamically added to or removed from the DOM at a later time.
Not recognizing removals is not really a problem as it has no impact on the user experience. But missing dynamically added headings means that they don’t respond when you click on them.
Wouldn’t it be nice if such scripts had a function that could be called whenever the DOM was significantly changed? Or if we could re-run that part of the code that can reestablish the relation between DOM elements and script state?
Ways to Re-Execute Code in Astro
There are several occasions where the browser can call user code that we might use to restore the script state / DOM relation.
- Execution of script elements during page load
- Calls to listeners that are triggered when certain events happen
- Execution of asynchronous callbacks found in the task and micro-task queues
- Execution of registered files and classes e.g. lifecycle methods of custom elements as well as the different kinds of workers & worklets.
Option 1 is the only way that works without further requirements. The other options require a script to be executed in order to set them up: event listeners have to be added with addEventListener
, asynchronous callbacks have to be set up using mechanisms like setTimeout
or then/await
, custom elements and worker/worklets must be explicitly declared using customElements.define
, navigator.serviceWorker.register
, CSS.paintWorklet.addModule
or similar.
Not all of these mechanisms are helpful to fix script state after view transitions. Some are not related to navigation like async callbacks triggered by setTimeout()
. Others can not really help due to limited DOM access, like for example the service workers.
In the following sections we will look at script tags and event listeners. I’m also preparing some text on how to use the lifecycle methods of custom-components that you will find here, soon.
Common Example
To see how to apply these techniques and what is best avoided, let’s have a practical example to apply and discuss.
We look at cases where scripts are used to add interactivity to a static web site. We focus on event listeners here. We call the example we are looking at “Active Headings”.
We can start by adding CSS so that the headings already look like they are clickable:
<style is:global> h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { cursor: pointer; }</style>
The code parts will be discussed in the sections to come.
Updates with External Module Scripts
On transition, the newly swapped in DOM elements need to get their event listeners to add interactivity. The astro way of supporting this re-initialization is to offer events on the document object that can be used to update the relation between the DOM and the scripts appropriately. This works perfect in combination with external module scripts in your basic Layout
Set Listeners on New Elements
Sounds complicated but isn’t: An external module script is what you get automatically if Astro processes a script tag with no further attributes. The browser only loads them once and keeps external module scripts until the next full page load. I.e. they do not get removed or updated while you navigate using view transitions. If you want to refresh you knowledge about <script>
elements you’ll find some details further down this page.
The window.document
object itself stays the same during view transitions. Only attributes and children of document.documentElement
are updated1. Therefore event listeners for astro:page-load
or astro:after-swap
on the document object will survive a view transitions navigation and their code will regularly be called after each view transition navigation to allow for state updates. Here is the basic pattern applied to our example from above:
---import { ClientRouter } from 'astro:transitions'---
<html> <head> <ClientRouter /> </head> <body> ... </body></html><script> function init() { const headingSelector = 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6'; const headings = document.querySelectorAll(headingSelector); headings.forEach((h) => { h.addEventListener('click', (e) => { ( as Element) .closest(headingSelector) ?.scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', inline: 'nearest' }); }); }); } document.addEventListener('astro:after-swap', init); init();</script>
For our example, we identify all headings on the page and we register a click handler for each of them. This code is provided by the init()
function, which we call
- once at the end of the script execution during the initial load
- and during each view transition via the
event listener
There is no code that un-registers the listeners before we leave the current page. Here is why: The listeners are added to the heading elements. If you do not keep long-lived references into the DOM, these elements are not alive anymore after the swap and can be reclaimed by the garbage collector.
astro:page-load vs. astro:after-swap
Sometime you also see examples, where the init code is triggered by the astro:page-load
The astro:page-load
and astro:after-swap
both have in common that
already holds the new DOM when they fire- both fire only if
<ClientRouter />
are enabled - both are standard
objects without any additional properties
The example form above, implemented with an astro:page-load
listener, looks quite the same.
---import { ClientRouter } from 'astro:transitions'---
<html> <head><ClientRouter /></head> ...</html><script> function init() { ... } document.addEventListener('astro:page-load', init);</script>
If you use <ClientRouter />
the astro:page-load
event does not only fire during view transitions, but also on the initial page load. Therefore we removed the explicit call to init()
at the end of the script.
Now you might ask yourself wether those two events are interchangeable, and as you guess, they differ in some aspects.
astro:page-load fires… | astro:after-swap fires… |
…on initial load and during view transitions | …during view transitions only |
…after animations started | …while the renderer is still frozen and before the animations start2 |
…after all new scripts are executed | …before any new scripts are executed |
The most important part here is that your listener should be fast when using astro:after-swap
as it delays the start of the animations. But adding a few event listeners is perfectly fine here.
The pattern with astro:page-load
might be a bit more compact as you do not need to explicitly call init()
on the initial page load and you even do not need an explicit init()
function as you could write the callback as a function expression when calling addEventListener()
But what looks like an advantage at first glance, namely that the function is automatically executed during the initial load and during view transitions, turns out to be a disadvantage if you want to build components that work with and without view transitions: If the <ClientRouter />
isn’t enabled, the init()
function will never be called!
So if you are interested in building reusable components that can be used with and without view transitions, I would recommend the pattern using astro:after-swap
Execution on Selected Pages
OK, we have code that runs after view transition navigation on all pages. But what if you want to execute different initialization stuff on different pages? Maybe you need to reinitialize handlers for a special toggle on some pages and some image galleries only on others?
Than you should nevertheless keep that pattern:
- Run the same code on all pages.
- Query the elements that need treatment on the new page.
- Be prepared that there are none and there is nothing to do.
- Do the required initialization for all matching elements.
This approach has some similarities with scripts for components↗, where you also define code that fits for zero, one, or multiple occurrences of the expected target elements.
Here is an example:
...<script> function init() { // If only some pages have the #my-special-toggle element, // the initialization code is only executed on those pages. const toggle = document.getElementById('my-special-toggle'); if (toggle) { // ... } // A pattern that works for pages with zero, one or more image galleries document.querySelectorAll('.image-gallery').forEach(...); } document.addEventListener('astro:after-swap, init); init();</script>
You might be afraid to load a script like this on a page because you know that the astro:after-swap
listener will run on every page you visit using view transitions (up to the next full page load). But keep in mind that those tests are quick. If the selectors don’t select anything, the function returns immediately.
The real benefit of this approach — compared to inline scripts — is that the script element is only executed once (until the next full page load) and therefore the event listener for astro:after-swap
will not be installed several times. Having multiple instances of the same event handler might not only be a waste of resources but might also have hard to debug side effects.
Increasing Modularization
You do not have to merge the initialization for all elements into the same event listeners. You might as well have several listeners for different tasks.
...<script> function imageGalleryInit() { document.querySelectorAll('.image-gallery').forEach(...); } document.addEventListener('astro:after-swap', toggleInit); toggleInit();
function toggleInit() { document.querySelectorAll('#my-special-toggle').forEach(...); } document.addEventListener('astro:after-swap', imageGalleryInit); imageGalleryInit()</script>
To further increase encapsulation, you might have the listeners in several scripts…
...<script> function init() { // works for pages zero, one or more image galleries document.querySelectorAll('.image-gallery').forEach(...); } document.addEventListener('astro:after-swap', init); init();</script><script> function init() { // if only one page has the #my-special-toggle element, // the foreach part is only executed for that element on that page. document.querySelectorAll('#my-special-toggle').forEach(...); } document.addEventListener('astro:after-swap', init); init();</script>
…which specially makes sense if you link with the src
attribute to some external script. Just make no assumptions about the order in which the scripts are executed.
...<script src="/src/scripts/image-gallery.js" /><script src="/src/scripts/toggle.js" />
You like, you can also put the script into a .astro
file, which you then import and render.
---import ImageGalley from "src/components/ImageGallery.astro"import Toggle from "src/components/Toggle.astro"---...<ImageGallery /><Toggle />...
You might put all scripts into your common Layout
component and they are ready to use on the pages that need them. Even though that might look like a lot of scripts in DEV mode, the bundler will merge them for production. But that also means that all your scripts are loaded on the first visit of a page of your site. That is not so bad, as your module scripts are deferred and load asynchronously. They do not block loading of the HTML or the execution of the renderer.
Alternatively you might put the scripts on the pages that need them using the external module variant (<script src="..." />
) or an Astro component. This reduces the amount of JavaScript that has to be transferred on the first visit. Just keep in mind that this does not mean ‘run init()
exactly on this page’ but ‘run init()
from now on, on every page’.
Delegating querySelectorAll
The approach with document.querySelectorAll()
is especially neat if you are using a library that can do this test for you. For example if you want to animate some elements with GSAP, you can have an astro:after-swap
listener that moves all images in an image gallery with the querySelectorAll-pattern from above.
<script> import { gsap } from 'gsap';
function init() { const images = document.querySelectorAll('.image-gallery img').forEach((el) => { gsap.from(el, { opacity: 0, y: 100, duration: 0.5 }); }); } document.addEventListener('astro:after-swap', init); init();</script>
But you can also delegate the querySelectorAll()
call to GSAP:
<script> import { gsap } from 'gsap';
function init() { gsap.from('.image-gallery img', { opacity: 0, y: 100, duration: 0.5 }); } document.addEventListener('astro:after-swap', init); init();</script>
In this simple case, you don’t need to explicitly query for images on the page. Set gsap.config({ nullTargetWarn: false })
to prevent errors in the browser console if the selector selects an empty set.
If you use a library that accepts selectors as parameters, make sure that they are freshly evaluated each time and not cached from a previous call, as we want to omit long-lived pointers from scripts to the DOM.
Note that if you want to do more complex things like adding a click handler to all images, you’ll have to fall back to the more general scheme shown above and run the querySelectorAll()
Beyond CSS Selectors
There are times where simple CSS selectors are not powerful enough to direct your re-initialization code. You might also need to know on which page you are. You could test for the page’s title, but it might be more efficient to check for URL patterns. For example, you could match URLs using url.pathname.startsWith()
or check the current location against a regular expression.
In astro:page-load
listeners, window.location.href
hold the actual location, no matter how you got there (click, browser back-navigation, …). If checking the location is not enough, you could also check for the start and end point of the navigation. This information is not available in the astro:page-load
handler but in both the astro:before-preparation
and astro:before-swap
handlers. You could evaluate your condition there and reuse the result in the astro:page-load
...<script> let wantToInitialize = false; document.addEventListener('astro:before:swap', (e) => { wantToInitialize = e.from.pathname.startsWith('/docs/') &&'/glossary/'); }); function init() { if (wantToInitialize) { //... } } document.addEventListener('astro:after-swap', init); init()</script>
Set Listeners on Safe Elements
Often it is more efficient to use global listeners on the window
or document
object instead of separate listeners on each element. Here is the modified code for our example:
---import { ClientRouter } from 'astro:transitions'---
<html> <head><ClientRouter /></head> ...</html><script> const headingSelector = 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6'; document.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const target = as Element; const heading = target?.closest(headingSelector); if (heading) { heading.scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', inline: 'nearest' }); } });</script>
Now this is a really robust solution. As window.document
will not be changed by a swap, the click listener will survive a view transition. Note that not holding long-lived references into the DOM is a prerequisite for this approach to work. The listener does not hold pointers into the DOM. It just looks up the tree for the closest heading and if there is one, it scrolls to it. This approach continues to work, even if the DOM is replaced with a soft load. No need to use Astro’s view transition lifecycle events here.
Built-in Swap
With the built-in swap()
, save positions for listeners to survive a soft load are:
If you use the ReplacementSwap
component, you have a larger set of safe positions: Only elements marked with data-vtbot-replace
and their descendant are replaced during a soft load. All other elements stay untouched. Listeners set on those untouched elements will survive a soft load in the same way as the listener on document
If you persist elements with transition:persist
, these elements also retain their listeners. Therefore, persisting elements to the next page is another good technique to keep listeners going across view transitions.
Updates with Classic or Inline Scripts
So this title is a bit unwieldy. What I meant to say is: how to use scripts that are not external module scripts. That also wouldn’t have been shorter or simpler in the title.
If you are used to inline scripts and simply add the
<ClientRouter />
to your website, you will likely be disappointed. Combined with some sloppy attempts to solve the problem by changing the attributes of the script tag with trial and error, you may well be doomed to failure.
When setting up event handlers for our example, the first naive approach could look like this:
<script is:inline data-astro-rerun> document.querySelectorAll('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6').forEach((h) => { h.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault();{ block: "start", inline: "nearest" }); }); });</script>
We put this script on a page right before the closing </body>
tag. The script works fine with and without the <ClientRouter />
In a first step, the script determines all headings. For each heading, it adds a click handler. This handler cancels further processing of the event by calling
and then scrolls the heading to the start of the viewport. -
When you navigate to another page without that script, the headings do not react to clicks. Also expected. The page does not have the script.
When you come back to the first page, the headings are active again. All works well.
Five Major Pitfalls
It is possible to successfully use view transitions with scripts other than external module scripts. But when I can, I try to avoid this. Here are five reasons why.
Pitfall 1: Scripts that are Not Re-Executable
This is a slightly modified version of the script from the last section.
<script is:inline data-astro-rerun> const headings = document.querySelectorAll('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6'); headings.forEach((h) => { h.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault();{ block: "start", inline: "nearest" }); }); });</script>
- Reload the page. Again, everything works well, as expected.
- Navigate to a page without the script: No script, no active headings.
- Return to the first page: 💥Boom!
Many scripts are not well prepared to be re-executed: Did I mention that we can not reset the global lexical scope during soft loads? As a consequence, scripts that use top-level const
and let
declarations can not be re-executed. This will immediately produce errors in the browser console and the script is interrupted:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'headings' has already been declared
Repairing the Script
In this simple case we can just eliminate it by calling forEach on the result of querySelectorAll as in the first inline script. A more general solution is to use an immediately invoked function expression (iife):
<script is:inline data-astro-rerun> (()=>{ const headings = document.querySelectorAll('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6'); headings.forEach((h) => { h.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault();{ block: "start", inline: "nearest" }); }); }); })();</script>
Pitfall 2: Ignored Scripts
If you want to have this inline script on every page you can add it to your common Layout component or provide it by an Astro component that you put on every page. In both cases, the script will not run at all on view transitions, unless you set the data-astro-rerun
attribute on the <script>
tag as shown in the code above. The reason is that Astro ignores scripts that it already has seen on the previous page. Setting data-astro-rerun
is the way to opt out of this rule.
If your page has a link to itself — or more likely, your navigation bar has a link to visit the current page — clicking that link will do a soft load of your current page. All scripts will be recognized as “known from the previous page”. This is probably not what you intended. Spo better disable those links or use data-astro-rerun
attributes as appropriate.
Pitfall 3: Running too Early
If you place the above script anywhere in your HTML page other than directly before the closing <body>
tag, it will probably not work. Inline scripts
Pitfall 4: Adding Listeners Twice
Do not use Astro’s view transition lifecycle event listeners careless in inline scripts or non-module, external scripts. Those scripts might be executed several times and care has to be taken to not set listeners on the document object multiple times. This can severely degrade your users’ experience with your site and those situations are hard to debug.
Pitfall 5: No Astro Processing
This is pretty obvious: If you add an attribute other than src=
to your script tag, you opt out of Astro’s script processing. You cannot use the TypeScript and you cannot import node modules.
Script Element Basics
Even though there is only a single HTML element for scripts, scripts come in many different flavors.
Astro’s Script Processing
Be aware that Astro processes the script tags. That might be a bit confusing if you are not yet used to it.
No | In your .astro file | In the generated HTML | Remark |
1 | <script> Java- or TypeScript </script> | <script type="module" src="..."/> | Included in the <head> . Might contain several scripts translated, minified, bundled into the same file. |
2 | <script src="<local-file under /src/>"/> 3 | <script type="module" src="..."/> | Same as above but Java- or TypeScript content from file. |
3 | <script src="<remote-resource>"/> 3 | <script type="module" src="..."/> | Imported as a bundled external module script but only for JavaScript.4 |
4 | <script is:inline>...</script> | <script>...</script> | Inline script with no further attributes. |
5 | <script is:inline what-ever>...</script> 3 | <script what-ever>...</script> | Use this form with src= if you want to load external scripts located in public/ |
6 | <script anything-but-a-single-src-attribute>...</script> | <script anything-but-a-single-src-attribute>...</script> | Implicitly interpreted as is:inline . Better use the explicit form above. |
Script Behavior on Initial Load
In memory of arsh who has been a knowledgeable teacher: older but still good↗
The first distinction is between inline scripts and external scripts.
- Inline scripts embed the code directly between the opening and the closing script tag.
- External scripts have a
attribute that holds an URI that identifies the source of the script.
If a script tag has both, embedded code and a src
attribute, the later wins and the embedded code is silently ignored.
If you use a plain script tag without any attributes or with only a
attribute in an.astro
file, Astro processes it and turns it into an external module script. In your HTML file you see it as<script type="module" src="..."/>
When loading an HTML file, plain <script>
elements without any attributes are processed as soon as they are parsed. Processing means loading and executing. Loading an inline script is done by continuing reading the HTML stream. Loading an external script might include a server round-trip if it is not already available in the browser cache. Script processing blocks further parsing and rendering of the HTML file. And of course when the script inspects the current DOM, the DOM is incomplete as the parsing has not finish yet.
If you want the loading of an external script to happen in parallel to parsing and rendering of the HTML document, set the async
attribute on the script. The asynchronous loaded script executes as soon as it is loaded. That might be before the HTML document is completely parsed. In this case, the execution of the script again blocks further parsing and the script can not yet see the complete DOM. On the other hand, if loading takes a long time, the script might still load after parsing of the DOM has ended. Then the script execution might even start after the DOMContentLoaded
event fired. An async
attribute has no effect on an inline script. It is ignored.
If you want to make sure that an external script is executed after HTML parsing is complete but before the DOMContentLoaded
event fires, add the defer
attribute to the script. If you specify both async
and defer
, the async
attribute is ignored as it implicitly has the value true anyway and cannot be set to false when deferring scripts. Setting defer
on an inline script has no effect all. It is ignored.
A script where you set type="module"
is automatically loaded asynchronously and its execution is deferred unless you also set the async
attribute, in which case it is only loaded asynchronously but it is not deferred: It executes as soon as it is loaded, which can be before the DOM is parsed completely or after the DOMContentLoaded
event fired.
The type attribute can take other values as well. Besides “module” you could use type="text/javascript"
. But this is also default if you do not have a type
attribute or use the empty string as type. So you never need to specify type="text/javascript"
. You might also use any other mime type here, like <script type="application/ld+json">
or <script type="text/partytown">
but then the browser will ignore the script and not try to execute it.
External module scripts
External module scripts are special. These are scripts of the form <script type="module" src="..."/>
. As all other scripts, they are processed as soon as they are parsed. But the browser’s module loader keeps track of the resources it has loaded since the last full page load. If a module with the same src
attribute value was already seen before, it would not be loaded and executed again.
As a consequence, external module scripts will not be re-executed during soft loads.
Behavior with View Transitions
On navigation to another page using Astro’s <ClientRouter />
component, loading and execution of scripts is handled differently. Due to the soft load approach, view transitions do not do a full page load, but they change the current page to resemble the new one.
Astro might execute all scripts that it finds on the target page. But there are exemptions given by these two rules:
- External module scripts for which the value of the
attribute is already known to the browser’s module loader are not executed again. This is a consequence of technically staying on the same page when doing a soft load. - Astro excludes a script from execution if the same script was already executed since the last full page load (before Astro 5.4.2: if the script was found on the previous page). Two external scripts are considered to be the same if they have the same
attribute value. Two inline scripts are considered the same if they have the same embedded code, character for character.
You can opt-out of the second rule by setting the data-astro-rerun
attribute for the script. This automatically turns the script into an inline script. Therefore, you cannot use TypeScript here. But you can use imports if you add type="module"
During soft loads, the async
and defer
attributes of script tags are ignored. Independent of those attributes, loading and execution of scripts will only start after the whole target page was parsed and the new DOM was swapped in. The scripts that are not exempt by the two rules above are loaded and executed in their textual order one after the other at the start of the completion phase after the astro:after-swap
event and before the astro:page-load
Ok, it depends on what your your
function does. For example the, ReplacementSwap does even change less. And even for the built-in swap, this was oversimplified: There the<head>
element also stays untouched. ↩ -
True for native view transitions. In the simulation, the exit animations have already been completed, but the entry animation is still pending. ↩
If a
attribute is given, there should be no inline content as it is ignored. ↩ ↩2 ↩3 -
This may require an entry for the URL in you
. ↩